Introduction & Names You will see (click to expand)

A brief intro to some of the names you will see through the registration process and use of My name is Greg Viger and I am the creator of through my company SalesBOS Solutions Inc (SalesBOSS), a software tech company focused on real estate industry web based tools. I am also a Mortgage Broker with DLC and a past REALTOR in Greater Vancouver.

Another name you will come across is Hoodopolis. It is the public facing brand of SalesBOSS tools you may be using. The name and vision for Hoodopolis is to connect you and your clients in all things real estate, neighbourhood and community.

My businesses operate out of BC and all data and services are delivered from servers in Canada. The things I value and strive to deliver daily include: Trust, privacy, confidentiality, integrity, security of information, fairness, no spam and reliability. The tools being provided are free to you and your clients. You will have access to information and reports about the users of your version of where they have consented.

Neither you nor your clients are under any obligation to to use my Mortgage Broker services.

However, supporting my conversion of users into funded mortgages pays the bills. This enables me to invest in delivering tools that help you grow your business. Your support is appreciated. Some future services will be reserved for those that do choose to partner with me. If you have any concerns or questions feel free to call or text me at 604-931-1960 or email me at

REALTORĀ® Registration only. Consumers go here.

Questioning if you should register? Maybe this will help!
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[sb-reg-form hoodo="false" role="owner"]